Winner design on 6 sqm Interview with the architect Carsten Wraae

On the initiative of Geberit, international architects competed against each other and presented their concepts of a bathroom on 6 square meters. The Danish architectural firm Bjerg Arkitektur won the international design competition with the project serenity. Carsten Wraae Jensen, project manager and architect, knows what matters in the design of 6 sqm bathrooms.

The danish architects from Bjerg Arkitektur are accustomed to small bathrooms (© Wilfred Gachau)

You and your team won the Geberit international competition with your 6 sqm bathroom called serenity. What are the strengths of your bathroom design?

Our team focused on giving a sense of calm and serenity to the person who would use this space. We used wood, a material that lives and evokes emotions. The bathroom is one of the only spaces where we can close the door and be completely to ourselves. He or she should feel comfortable in a relaxing atmosphere.

How did you manage to make that happen?

We tried not to want too much at once. We paid particular attention to the materials and their texture, as well as an integrated design. For this we used a mirror with integrated light. Cleanliness was important to us as well. We opted for uncomplicated, easy-to-clean products that look elegant because of their uniform surfaces. Our bathroom design is realistic and affordable in price.

The task was to create an attractive bathroom design on 6 sqm, taking into account six main requirements. What attracted you to participate on this competition?

We do a lot of designs for schools, kindergartens and other social facilities, where we have to consider many technical demands. To realize a design for this 6sqm room appealed to us because it was something different. Many would say that 6sqm is small. For our architectural practice in Denmark that is actually quite large. In Copenhagen, building is expensive, so we are used to much smaller floor plans.

What was the biggest challenge and how did you face it?

To create a space that is sustainable and functional at the same time. We didn’t want to integrate products that only look good. They also have to be practical. Our idea was to create a sustainable space with a large window and a view of nature that invites you to dream.

If you look in the catalogs or visit showrooms, you see predominantly spacious bathrooms. The reality is often different: many people have little space in the bathroom. What are your tips for making small spaces functional and interesting?

When you enter the room, the things you have stored in the bathroom should not catch your eye. Try to find a system and hide the things of daily use. Create some space for a calmer atmosphere. Remember that you need space in front of the toilet, the shower and in front of the washbasin. These square meters can be combined by clever arrangement of products. This is how you save space.


About Bjerg Arkitektur

About Bjerg Arkitektur 

Bjerg Arkitektur is a Danish, family owned, architectural firm founded in 1987. Besides their three offices in Denmark they are located in Oslo, Warsaw and Santiago. Responsible and sustainable construction have been the main focus of Bjerg Arkitektur for many years. Since 2007 Bjerg Architecture has been working intensively with energy renovation and passiv and ultra-low-energy buildings.

Their wide variety of references are listed in both private and in public domain. They are especially known for designing daycare centers, schools and social housing.

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